買滿 HK$300 送順豐站/智能櫃免運費
買滿 HK$500 送住宅工商區免運費
- 超過4公斤需要補回運費差價
- 不設低溫冷藏送貨服務
買滿 HK$800 免低溫送貨運費
- 送住宅工商區
- 不能送順豐站/智能櫃/便利店
- 超過8公斤需要補回運費差價
- 低溫冷藏送貨服務
澳門 - 購物滿 HK$300 可享免運費
- 免運費送到 取貨點/智能櫃), 不足夠 HK$300 (首公斤HK$5 / 續重每公斤 HK$3)
- 購物滿 HK$600 可免運費送到住宅工商地址
* 上限3公斤 (首3公斤免運費其後每公斤收港幣$15元)
- 星期一至六提供送貨上門服務
中國大陸 - 運費
* 首公斤30港元,之後每0.5公斤7港元
* 物品的售價已包括大陸報關清關費用
* 茅屋芝士及布緯套裝等需冷凍物品不能運送
Organic Coconut Sugar
- Nourishing People & Planet
- USDA Organic
- Kosher
Nutiva's Organic Coconut Sugar is made from fresh coconut tree sap, collected from the cut flower buds. The sap is heated to evaporate moisture, resulting in the crystal or granular form of sugar.
The subtly sweet taste of Coconut Sugar is similar to brown sugar with a hint of caramel. Unrefined and unprocessed, it is considered to be healthier than other refined and chemical sweetener options.
Coconut Sugar is highly nutritious; a rich source of potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and B vitamins. It is also one of the lowest glycemic index sweeteners on the market, with a glycemic index of 35, in comparison to cane sugar, which has an index of 68. This is reported to help prevent a variety of health problems – including diabetes, hypoglycemia and obesity.
Organic coconut sugar.
Nutrition Chart and Certified Organic Details
Certified Organic by ECOCERT & QAI.
Product of Indonesia