买满 HK$300 免运费送顺丰站 / 智能柜
买满 HK$500 免运费送住宅/工商区
- 超过4公斤需要补回运费差价
- 不设低温冷藏送货服务
买满 HK$800 免低温送货运费
- 送住宅工商区
- 不能送顺丰站/智能柜/便利店
- 超过8公斤需要补回运费差价
- 低温冷藏送货服务
澳门 - 购物满港币$300元可享免运费
- 免运费送到 取货点/智能柜), 不足够 港币$300 (首公斤港币$5 / 续重每公斤 港币$3)
- 购物满 港币$600 可免运费送到住宅工商地址
* 上限3公斤 (首3公斤免运费其后每公斤收港币$15元)
- 星期一至六提供送货上门服务
* 冷藏食品不能运送
中国大陆- 运费
* 首公斤30港元,之后每0.5公斤7港元
* 物品的售价已包括大陆报关清关费
* 茅屋芝士及布纬套装等需冷冻物品不能运送
Nutiva 有机冷压初榨椰子油 680ml (玻璃樽)
- HK$178.00 HK$224.00
- 凡购买油拔法相关油类即可享有部分无氟牙膏 95 折优惠
** 订单有这物品,必须购物满 HK$800 才能免运费 (不能送到顺丰站便利店及智能柜)
- 库存状态: 有现货
澳門 - 沒有存貨
类似产品 :

标签: nutiva, 有机冷压初榨椰子油, 680ml, (玻璃樽), 油拔法相关产品 多买多省
** 倉庫送貨到門市需要大約5個工作天
** 如有疑问请直接致电我们门市查询
- 有機認證,非基因改造
- 新鮮椰子製造,不是椰肉乾
- 冷壓
- 未精製
- 無化學
- 未發酵*
- 未漂白
- 非氫化
- 無溶劑
- 純白色的,如新鮮的椰子
- 新鮮的椰子味道
- 新鮮是最好™承諾
Did You Know?
* Other brands wait more than 10 hours between chopping the coconut and pressing the oil, adversely affecting flavor.
How virgin coconut oil is processed is the key to optimizing its taste, texture, color, and aroma.
There is no comparison between Nutiva's cold-pressed, Organic extra-virgin coconut oil, with its light taste, pleasant aroma, and pure white color, and industrialized coconut oil, with its bland taste, faint aroma, and off-white color. Please note that any tiny brown specks found at the bottom of Nutiva's Coconut oil are from the coconut fiber and are indigenous to extra-virgin coconut oil.
Coconut oil is about 50 percent lauric acid, a rare medium-chain fatty acid found in mother's milk that supports healthy metabolism and is now being studied for its anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial, health-protecting properties. Overall, coconut oil contains 92% saturated fats, and only 1% Omega-6, the fat Americans get way too much of.